Sustainability at Ina Invest

Sustainability is firmly anchored in our strategy and is a top priority for us - in everything we do. At every stage of our projects, we are committed to the careful use of natural resources while promoting economic prosperity.

Sustainability is part of our DNA

"Sustainability is part of our DNA. Across the board and in all project phases – everything we do is designed to ensure careful and conservative use of natural resources even as we strive to achieve long-term economic growth and maintain social cohesion."

Marc Pointet, CEO


Sustainable behaviour as a driver of innovation and cost efficiency

It is our firm conviction that real estate can only be profitable in the long term if it is consistently geared to the needs of current and future generations during development, realisation, operation and at the end of its life. To achieve this, we have made sustainability an integral part of our work. We see sustainability as a mandate, a competitive factor and an innovation driver all in one. It is the engine that drives us day-in, day-out to turn our vision into reality: that of maintaining and developing the most sustainable property portfolio in Switzerland.

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We reached important milestones in the area of sustainability

Over the past two years, we have put the necessary conditions in place to make substantial contributions to sustainable development in the areas of energy, environmental impact, mobility, emissions and biodiversity, as well as in our dialogue with people and society.

To the Sustainability Report

We are a GRESB Green Star and Europe-wide Sector Leader

Last year, Ina Invest was not only recognised as a Green Star in the GRESB Benchmark Analysis with 95 out of 100 points, but was also named Sector Leader Diversified for the whole of Europe in the Development Benchmark 2023. This award is fantastic confirmation that Ina Invest is well on track to prove itself as a sustainability pioneer.

On the way to net zero

Long-term, we are striving for the complete decarbonisation of the production and operating emissions of our portfolio and want to play a pioneering role in achieving the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. With our ambition to decarbonise new buildings by 2040 and existing buildings by 2050, we are making a significant contribution to this.

Another step closer to sustainability champion

4.5 kg

CO2e/m²a average mobility emissions in development projects

1.9 M kWh

forecast annual yield of solar power on development projects


of the development portfolio with a building or site label

9.8 kg

CO₂e/m²a average construction emissions in development projects

Sustainability lives in our projects

With our sustainable real estate and district development projects, we help to ensure a liveable, diverse and inspiring future for everyone.

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