
We see doing business sustainably as a form of doing business that is consistent with social and environmental assumptions in the short and long term. We cannot and may not leave future generations to pick up the tab for our actions today. Accordingly, each decision must always be examined in terms of its overall, longterm impact. This will only be possible if the sustainability strategy is an inherent part of our business and financial strategy.

GRI 2-12, 3-1, 3-2, 201-2

As a real estate company, Ina Invest is affected in a number of ways, either positively or negatively, by environmental, social and economic factors. For example, increasingly extreme weather could cause more damage to our real estate. At the same time, new social needs relating to housing and work could lead to vacancies.

This is why we incorporate economic, environmental and social risks into our risk strategy for all our operations on which our investment decisions are based. The Board of Directors assesses the risk situation and determines suitable measures annually.


Description Possible impact Probability Causality Time frame
Environmental taxes Increase in the CO 2 levy on all fuels and imposition of new environmental taxes. Greater incentive for renewable energies and efficiency measures.
Increased need to collect consumption data.
High Direct Short-term
Subsidies Promotion of renewable energies and building renovation measures. Falling subsidies caused by the switch from a subsidies model to a taxation model. Medium Direct Medium-term
Public-sector guidelines and laws New guidelines on transparent disclosure of procurement practices. More stringent requirements for a transparent supply chain and assessment and audit of partners. High Direct/indirect Short-term
Norms and labels Increase in the limits for environmental norms and labels and more stringent requirements for building permits.

Greater demand for specialist expertise. Higher technical requirements for projects.

High Direct Medium-term
Supply Shortage of raw materials leads to supply bottlenecks, supply problems and rising raw material prices. Prices for primary raw mate-rials are volatile and there are supply bottlenecks.
Secondary raw materials are 
High indirect Long-term
Climate Increase in greenhouse gas emissions and global warming exceeds the 2 degree target. Non-compliance with the national reduction path for CO 2 emissions leads to more stringent regulations for buildings. Medium Direct Long-term
Extreme weather events Increase in extreme weather events boosted by global warming (e.g. storms, floods, extreme temperatures). Damage to infrastructure caused by extreme weather events.
More stringent requirements for ventilation, heating and cooling.
High Direct Medium-term
Customer needs Increasing demand for sustainable and healthy products and services. More stringent requirements for making it easier to use buildings flexibly.
Vacancies resulting from changing needs.
High indirect Short-term
Sociocultural changes Changes in the needs relating to housing and the working environment. More stringent requirements to make it easier to use buildings flexibly.
Vacancies resulting from changing needs.
High Direct Short-term


At project le

At project level, we view the forecasted anthropogenic changes in the climate over the next decades as a particularly high risk. This is why we issued a new internal directive on the management of the climate-related risks to which real estate is exposed to in 2021.  This directive distinguishes between physical and transitory climate risks and issues requirements for project development aimed at mak-ing real estate more resistant to future climate risks.  

The directive "Climate-related risk management" can be found under Downloads on the Ina Invest website.


GRI 3-3, 201-1

Since it was established in March 2020, Ina Invest has been working actively on its positioning and its brand and its anchoring in the Swiss market. It was able to report a profit a few months after it was established. The company therefore has a sound financial base.

The following table provides an overview of the value added that Ina Invest has generated since it was established in 2020 in accordance with the requirements of GRI. The company works according to the concept of value-based management. Ina Invest therefore focuses not only on return but also on the long-term value of the company.

in CHF thousands Note 01.01.-31.12.2022 01.01.-31.12.2021
Rental income from properties 2.8 11,304 2,772
Income from the sale of promotional properties 2.1 4,908 17,298
Other direct operating income 2.7 1,973 610
Operating income 18,185 20,680
Gains from change in fair value of investment properties 2.2 23,793 19,788
Losses from change in fair value of investment properties 2.2 (10,956) (3,500)
Result from change in fair value of investment properties 12,837 16,288
Result from disposal of investment properties 727 -
Direct rental expenses 2.8 (1,908) (385)
Direct expenses from the sale of promotional properties 2.1 (3,645) (15,449)
Other direct operating expenses (2,747) (1,508)
Direct operating expenses (8,300) (17,342)
Personnel expenses 4.2 (3,145) (1,452)
Other operating expenses 2.9 (4,163) (3,805)
Other operating expenses (7,308) (5,257)
Operating result (EBIT) 16,141 14,369
Financial income 3.2  8,509 -
Financial expenses 3.2  (3,313) (195)
Earnings before income taxes 21,337 14,174
Income taxes 4.1 (2,253) (2,195)
Profit 19,084 11,979
- attributable to the shareholders of Ina Invest Holding Ltd 9,551 6,924
- attributable to minorities 9,533 5,055
Earnings per share (EPS) (in CHF) 3.6 0.98 0.78
Diluted earnings per share (in CHF) 3.6 0.98 0.78
Our goal:

We carry out a life cycle costs analysis for each project at the planning and development stage and take account of the findings with respect to long-term servicing and maintenance costs gleaned therefrom when deciding on our in-vestments.


Ina Invest would like to build for the future and therefore takes a long-term perspective with its investments. It would thus be wrong to focus exclusively on development and construction costs. Each project is subjected to an analysis of the costs accruing over its life cycle during the planning and development phase. This allows us to simulate different scenarios, which are based on assumptions for capital market rates, inflation, the price of energy as well as the life and maintenance costs of components. Using foresight, key social, economic, and environmentally relevant developments can also be included to make  he building as fit as possible for future challenges.

The investment decision focuses primarily on optimising the costs of the entire life cycle while always complying with our high quality and sustainability requirements.

Our goal:

We record all materials used via a BIM model and thus create the prerequisite for closing material cycles and determining the residual value of materials at the end of the property's life.

Continuous improvement through so-called “Ina-vations” – that is our philosophy. From using new sustainable building materials through the development of new contract models to the implementation of recycla-ble construction processes: We would like to encourage innovation within our portfolio and in the entire construction industry. With this in mind, we adopt the appropriate mindset and make time to investigate new innovative solutions at an early stage of the development and work with universities and external engineers to come up with ideas.

We view digitalization as a key driver of innovation in the construction industry. By using “Building Information Modelling”, which is usually abbreviated to BIM, we combine the entire planning, execu-tion, and management of a building virtually. The integration of key material and environmental fig-ures in planning and development also gives us a significant degree of transparency regarding the building structure and the grey emissions generated by components and thus allows us to optimise a building’s CO2 footprint. New digital solutions are also used for monitoring purposes once buildings are operational. Consumption data for energy, water and waste are collected completely automatically during use, and any potential for optimisation can be used.

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