ESG goals 2025

Sustainability is incorporated as an integral component in all Ina Invest core processes. Our vision? We want to maintain and develop one of the most sustainable real estate portfolios in Switzerland. With this in mind, we have set ourselves fourteen goals that we work towards every day. They link environmental, economic and social dimensions and are guidelines and signposts in everything we do.

We are seeking to achieve 14 goals by 2025

Label strategy

Each project is certified in accordance with the requirements of an energy and/or sustainability certificate. We seek to achieve a 5-star Green Star rating according to the GRESB Benchmark Assessment across the entire portfolio.

Goal achieved
Embodied emissions

In terms of emissions caused by materials (embodied emissions), we are aiming, in accordance with the decarbonisation strategy, to achieve net zero by 2040 for new buildings. To help us do this, we bank on systems and building materials with low levels of grey energy and pollutants.

On target

When selecting projects, we focus solely on urban regions and selected agglomerations with good connections to public transport (class A and B). Accordingly, users are expected to be able to bank on slow traffic and public transport entirely.

On target
Building structure

In acquisition, planning and development, we focus fully on the separability, of materials, a flexible use in our operations and a long service life.

On target

Through our projects, we seek to contribute to the sociocultural and demographic mix at the respective location and take account of the local municipalities’ relevant aims and strategies by participating in their processes.

On target
CO2 emissions from operations

In accordance with our decarbonisation strategy, e are aiming to achieve net zero emissions from our operations by 2030 for new buildings and by 2050 for existing properties. This will allow us to meet the IPCC’s 1.5 degree target in relation to Switzerland’s building stock.

On target
Climate resilience

At the project level, we bank on measures to increase the resilience of buildings to future climate-induced risks.

On target
Life cycle costs

We carry out a life cycle costs analysis for each project at the planning and development stage and consider the findings with respect to long-term servicing and maintenance costs gleaned therefrom when deciding on our investments.

Not on target
Supply chain

We work with partners that are committed to sustainability, and incorporate this requirement in the contracts awarded for projects. We also ask our partners to ensure their supply chains are sustainable.

On target
Raising awareness

We make our buildings’ users aware of sustainability topics and encourage them to discuss these matters.

Not on target
Operating energies

Wherever possible, we bank on compact structures and renewable energies for warmth and cold.When purchasing electricity, we consistently rely on renewable energy sources.

On target
Circular economy

In acquisition, planning and development, we focus fully on the separability of materials, a flexible use and service life.

On target
Material database

We use the BIM model to record all materials used and thus lay the foundations for closing material cycles and collecting the residual value of the material at the end of the real estate’s life.

On target

With each project, we seek to achieve a high degree of comfort by banking on high standards in terms of daylight, air quality and thermal comfort.

On target
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